Tao Yoga Summer Retrat 2017, From July 19th to 22nd

Tao Yoga

From July
19th  to 22nd

your body, perceive the energy, 
control your mind and emotions’


In this
course we will focus specially on showing traditional Qi Gong exercises from
the Wudang mountain Temples and the Tao Yin and Meditation developed by the
Great Master Mantak Chia, as part of his Universal Healing Tao System world
widely known by his numerous books.


The course
is given by Fernando Liuzzi, official 
Instructor for Spain of Mantak Chia’s school.


and meditative positions from classic Indian and Taoist yoga traditions,
combined with breathing exercises that develop and tame our inner energy,
according to the three principles:
  1. Body work
  2. Energy perception
  3. ·Mind control

The Taoist
Yoga was developed in the ancient times as a result of the encounter between
Buddhism and Taoism that took place after the arrival to China of the Indian
Patriarch Boddhidharma, around year 520 a.C.

– QI GONG: Qi Gong is an inner
art that develops at the same time a deeper self-knowledge, enhances an inner
potential awakening and consciousness expansion establishing our body and
mental health. Through this millenary discipline that the wise Chinese tradition
developed we can keep fitness, enhance vitality, extend our lifetime and
cultivate the spirit. Qi Gong practice inherits a wide variety of energy taming
exercises and techniques that coordinate soothing movements and conscious breath,
with very specific approaches, depending on the intention, which are health
purpose, martial arts and spiritual practices.

– TAO YIN: ‘Guide your Qi using
the power of mind-eye-heart, your intention’

. Revitalizing series
of exercises that develop flexibility, lustiness and muscle tone, due to its
focus on stretching the tendons and relaxing the spine, psoas muscle and
diaphragm, as well as releasing pollutants and toxins through breathing and
training the ‘second brain’ in our Dan Tien.

Thanks to its
integrating principles, Tao Yin generates harmony in our body, mind and spirit,
recovering our connection with Nature and the Universe. According to the
Chinese Traditional Medicine, Tao Yin stretchings open the channels and
meridians of our energy system.

– MEDITATION: There will be shown
different traditional Taoist techniques like Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds
and Microcosmic Orbit, which can be a valuable starting point to enter the wonderful
world of Tao.

Meditation is the
fundamental core through which we can understand the Taoist conception of the
Universe and our selves as part of it, as a direct, real and unavoidable
experience that lead us to perceive the Great Unity of everything. Not only as
a philosophy, the meditation knowledge was funded as a direct transmission from
master to disciple through thousands of years. Merged on the clairvoyant
meditators ability of watching and focusing the consciousness to different
aspects of the way of Heaven, Earth and Human kind. The result of this
meditation experience and transmission is an holistic view that we inherit
trough the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Music, Poetry, Feng
shui, Y Ching oracle, dance, etc. Fundamentals of the Taoists Inner Alchemy.

comments on Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Hua Hu Ching
: The main philosophic
principles on which these disciplines are based as direct expressions there
will be explained: Wu Chi, Tai Ji (Yin and Yang), 3 Treasures, 5 Elements, 8 Forces
(Pa Kua), etc.


Beginners and

Recovering our centre
is the starting point that, not only releases the daily life stress, but also
help us get conscious of our energy body and its connection to the Universe. Further,
the Taoist tradition developed a wide variety of techniques that make possible
a deep transformation harmonizing our fundamental emotions that feed the
basement of a thinking way biased by the result of our life experiences.
Instead, this harmonization can gradually lead us to the perception of our
totality, experience that provides us a deep feeling of unity, peace and plenitude.
Taoism reveal us an energetic view of life, experiencing our selves as light beings
in our journey to Immortality…

mysteriously formed,

Born before heaven
and earth,

So perhaps it is the
mother of everything.

I don’t know its

Call it Tao.’

Tao Te Ching, Lao

Our SUMMER courses
are an opportunity to share in depth the experience that we try to transmit in
daily classes, formation courses and retreats. By LIVING TOGETHER we try to
strengthen a deeper relationship between practice mates that settle a trustful
mood for our lone work, grown up deeper in such harmonic environment where we
always find a great stimulation to advance in our search of self-knowledge.

The course is
scheduled for both BEGGINERS and ADVANCED, some of the sessions will be shared
all together, and other will be specific and divided according to different
Every morning we will
enjoy practice and meditation at the beach shore.

During the free time
you can enjoy the surrounding nature and swimming pool.

organize hiking routes in the charming surroundings with centenary
trees, evening bonfire with chants, music, story telling and poetry and
more surprises you will discover by your own!

Course taught by Master Vasudeva (Fernando Liuzzi):
National Tai Ji Quan, Qi Gong and Kung fu (5th dan) master in Spain.
Yoga and Meditation master with more than 30 years of constant practice on teaching
systems (Maharishi, Yogananda, Sivananda, Siddha Yoga, Soto Zen, Wudang Shan
Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism,…)

Since 2000 he is Chi
Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu and Meditation teacher in the University of
Granada Sports Facilities.

He runs the International
Association and Retreat Centre ‘Seven Stars Lake’ (Lago de las Siete Estrellas
in Spanish) and the martial arts, Chinese medicine and philosophy School Wudang
Shan, both in Granada’s province.

Since 2000, he is Qi Gong, Tai Ji Quan, Kung Fu and Meditation teacher in the University of Granada Sports Facilities.

runs the Retreat Centre «Lake of the Seven Stars»(Lago de las Siete
Estrellas, in Spanish) and the martial arts School Wudang Shan, both in
Granada’s province. 

He is President of the Spanish Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong Association ‘Wudang Shan’. 
is also Director of the inner Kung Fu styles department (i.e. Tai Ji,
Qi Gong, etc.) in the National Spanish Association of Chinese Martial
Arts Clubs ‘ Union Wushu’.

He is also instructor of the Mantak Chia’s Universal Healing Tao System in Spain and Argentina.

attained his Shiatsu (Japanese therapeutic massage based on the
traditional Chinese medicine) degree in the European Shiatsu School in
Malaga, Spain.

He attained his acupuncture degree in the Nei Jing School.

(For more info in spanish:  » Escuela Wudang / Maestro Fernando Liuzzi».) 


The Lake of the Seven Stars is a Retreat Center located in a terrain situated in the heart of nature, in the Valley of Joy …
Lecrin Valley (province of Granada, Andalusia) halfway between Granada
and the Costa Tropical
, at the foot of Sierra Nevada and next to the
Alpujarra of Granada. It is 25 minutes from the BEACHES and CALAS of the
Costa del Sur (Costa Tropical).

It has a privileged location,
since it is in a small advance of land on the Reservoir of Béznar that
provides a view on the Lake of more than 180 degrees.

The Lake of
the Seven Stars has two SPACES COVERED
where the activities are carried out outdoors. This year we also
premiered a spacious JAIMA Arabe where we can perform various sheltered
and fresh practices.

The terrain has many TREES planted in
terraces and shaded green spaces. As well as a beautiful pond («The
Golden Flower Pond») full of fish, frogs, lotus flowers and aquatic

And it is equipped with SWIMMING POOL, with a CAMP ZONE and with a place to make EVENING BONFIRES.


You can confirm your booking by doing a transfer of €100 per person in 
the BMN Caja Granada Bank, account number: ES71 0487 3109 14 2000000622
(Swift/Bic code: GBMNESMMXXX)

(The purpose of this payment in advance is to confirm a place, so we don’t refund it in case of back down.)

Price: €280 per person.

Students under 25
years old, couples, our formation courses pupils and any other person that
participate in our summer Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong course enjoy a 10% discount (not

Only weekend, all included: €150 per person.

Vegetarian center.



The retreat starts on
the evening of Tuesday 18th  July, and ends on the afternoon of Sunday 22nd

For those without car
we organize a pick up meeting spot in Granada City, on Tuesday 18th

If this option
doesn’t fit to your necessity, please ask us more information. Thanks you


(+34) 622 39 80 47



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